Do you want to find or check the Age of the Website? Usually People will be very Curious to know the age and other details of the website. Especially Bloggers used to check the age of their Competitor Website. There are many different tools to check out how old the website or the domain is ? You can either use computer or Mobile to find out the age.

How to Find out the Website/ Domain Age.

The below tools will help you to find out age of the websites

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Domain Tools to find out the Age : : Gives information about the website , When is the website Started and who is the Owner etc..

Wayback Machie :

            For Famous sites, I found way back Machine is a wonderful tool to find the age of the website. It is a free service where it take snapshot at regular interval. It also gives the information about the when the website was started and you can also see the design or template of the website when it is started and how the design of the website has been changed or modified later. It mainly helps the web designer to see and analyze how it looks in Past and How it look in future.

This tool also helps blogger to find the template of the blog that they used in past.

In The Snapshot  you can find the when it was started, snapshots taken in the year 1999 etc..


Note : The results accurate for large sites, but it might not be for new or smaller sites. Still you can find the domain age for smaller website using the other tools which are given below

Other  Domain Age Checking  Tools  :

Using this Domain tools, you can able to find when the domain has been registered etc.. The Other Alternative Services, which helps to find the domain age are Netcraft, SEOlogs, Webconfs, SEO Chat domain age tool

Here is an other interesting articles for the bloggers or web designers who needs the owner or the personal information of the website 🙂

Also See :

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